On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, Sheldon Hearn wrote:
> Just a quick note to let you two gentlement know that the problem
> persists with rev 1.107 of buf.h.
> Brian, these are realy easy for me to reproduce on my own box here. Do
> you want to send me the stuff for maintaining the queues that you said
> would help you figure out what's going on? Or are you able to reproduce
> this yourself?
I havne't been able to reproduce this, but this case is going to have
more to do with analysis of the code than with "debugging", I think.
By chance are you running with softupdates enabled on /? If I can
reproduce it here, I will spend a while inspecting all the state to
figure this one out as best as possible.
> Ciao,
> Sheldon.
Brian Fundakowski Feldman \ FreeBSD: The Power to Serve! /
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