On 8/17/22 10:35 AM, Thomas Laus wrote:
I attempted to create a ZFS snapshot after upgrading this morning and received this error

# beadm create n257443
cannot create 'zroot/ROOT/n257443': 'snapshots_changed' is readonly

This looks like a bug in beadm. It must be trying to set the snapshots_changed property when cloning the snapshot for the BE, but the property is of course readonly.


My version info:

14.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 14.0-CURRENT #9 main-n257443-f7413197245: Wed Aug 17 08:15:27 EDT 2022

There was not any information in UPDATING about any required ZFS configuration changes required nor any ZFS flags that listed 'snapshots_changed' as something that needed a new value.  There is actually a new snapshot created, but 'beadm list' does not show it and the boot menu does not have it listed.


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