On Sun, 7 Aug 2022, Nuno Teixeira wrote:


Due to ISP changes I was forced to use ipv6 on my re0 ethernet so I can
have a funcional internet.

Now I'm trying to get ipv6 on iwlwifi (AX201) with /etc/rc.conf:
create_args_wlan0="wlanmode sta regdomain ETSI country PT"
ifconfig_wlan0_ipv6="inet6 accept_rtadv"
ifconfig_wlan0="WPA SYNCDHCP"
but wpa_supplicant doesn't connect after trying for some seconds.

How do I obtain more details to help showing my problem?
I've tried "wpa_supplicant_flags="-f /var/log/wpa.log" without success.

Let's get some more information on this..

(a) this is unlikely related to IPv6?  The only thing that would do
is pass down more multicast addresses than with just IPv4 (and that's
after assoc normally).  I run some on IPv6-only.
Let me ask you anyway, so we can be sure.  If you remove the IPv6 config,
does wpa_supplicant associate fine?  (could also be a different
tooling issue).

(b) does `ifconfig wlan0 list scan` show your AP when it doesn't?
If it doesn't that is more likely the problem.  And that remains a problem
for some conditions I am also facing.  More on 11a than 11g.

(c) Then the question is if wpa_supplicant blacklists the network;
`wpa_cli blacklist` would show.  If it does try the following sequence
to make it try more often:
SSID=<your ssid>
${CMD} blacklist clear
${CMD} disable ${SSID}
${CMD} enable ${SSID}
${CMD} list_networks

(d) given you didn't say, what does `freebsd-version -r -u`
say, just to rule out you are missing the latest wpa fixes.

(e) what you can do is enable more wpa_supplicant logging; I often use
wpa_supplicant_flags="-sdd"  in /etc/rc.conf which will log to syslog instead
of the debug file but it'll increase debugging a lot (and warning, it
may also log keying material).


Bjoern A. Zeeb                                                     r15:7

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