I'm not sure if this is because my obj tree needs a fresh rebuild and reinstall or if this is a legitimate problem. Regardless of the dtrace command entered, whether it be a fbt or sdt, the following error occurs:
slippy# dtrace -n 'fbt::ieee80211_vap_setup:entry { printf("entering ieee80211_vap_setup\n"); }' dtrace: invalid probe specifier fbt::ieee80211_vap_setup:entry { printf("entering ieee80211_vap_setup\n"); }: "/usr/lib/dtrace/psinfo.d", line 1: failed to copy type of 'pr_gid': Conflicting type is already defined slippy# Old DTrace scripts I've used months or even years ago also fail with the same error. It's not this one probe. All probes result in the pr_gid error. I'm currently rebuilding my "prod" tree from scratch with the hope that it's simply something out of sync. But, should it not be, has anyone else encountered this lately? -- Cheers, Cy Schubert <cy.schub...@cschubert.com> FreeBSD UNIX: <c...@freebsd.org> Web: http://www.FreeBSD.org NTP: <c...@nwtime.org> Web: https://nwtime.org e**(i*pi)+1=0