Getting the following panic on HPE system with HPE enclosure: panic: make_dev_alias_v: bad si_name (error=22, si_name=enc@n....../type@0/slot@1/elmdesc@{"Name":"DriveBay1"}/pass4)
db_trace_self_wrapper() vpanic() panic() make_dev_alias_v() make_dev_alias_p() make_dev_physpath_alias() pass_add_physpath() taskqueue_run_locked() taskqueue_thread_loop() fork_exit() fork_trampoline() I have skipped typing all the frame information as the cause of panic seems to be apparent -- enclosure replies with "Name":"DriveBay1" via ses (it does the same weirdness for sensors and other elements), and make_dev_alias_v() does not like the double quotes. Probably we need to sanitize the input somewhere?