In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Leif Neland 
: On Thu, 20 Jul 2000, Warner Losh wrote:
: > In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Leif 
:Neland writes:
: > : Just to be on the safe side, is there a simple way to see if a disk is
: > : dedicated?
: > 
: > fdisk -s ad0
: > 
: > If there's a slice table, then it will give you a summary report of
: > the slices.  If not it will report an error (and maybe give you a
: > faked up listing).
: I have windows partitions on my disks here, so they can't be dedicated.
: fdisk -s ad[0,1,2] all reports
: invalid fdisk partition found.

Did you do that as root?  All of my windows disks report valid

>From my sever:
% fdisk -s da0
/dev/da0: 2231 cyl 255 hd 63 sec
Part        Start        Size Type Flags
   4:           1    35841014 0xa5 0x80

>From my laptop:
fdisk -s ad0
/dev/ad0: 559 cyl 240 hd 63 sec
Part        Start        Size Type Flags
   1:          63     2766897 0x0b 0x00
   2:     2766960     5397840 0xa5 0x80
   4:     8164800      272160 0xa0 0x00

I'm in group operator, so I can read the disks on my own.  The part
type 0xa0 is for the suspend to disk partition in my VAIO.

: Does that mean that a dedicated disk has a slice table, a normal doesn't?

No.  That's backwards.  A dedicated disk has no slice table (a
dangerously dedicated disk, that is), and a "normal" one does have a
slice table.


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