Dear All , in many of my messages to FreeBSD mailing lists I am mentioning the following view :
"Please move the Handbook into source tree , and Maintain it with respect to current release without mixing sliding releases : If you do this , maintenance of a correct Handbook is IMPOSSIBLE because maintenance of associated IF statements about releases . " When we look at the following web pages , we see the following : FreeBSD Manual Pages In the second box of "All sections" line , there are lines about all of the FreeBSD releases with many more other systems . In spite of this , in the following page : FreeBSD Handbook The FreeBSD Documentation Project " Abstract Welcome to FreeBSD! This handbook covers the installation and day to day use of FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE, FreeBSD 12.2-RELEASE and FreeBSD 11.4-RELEASE. ... " A Handbook which ( for me , exactly , for the others , perhaps ) with many errors ... I think that , it is NOT extraordinarily a difficult process to move the Handbook into source tree and maintaining it with respect to per release and insert into the above web page a part similar to the manual pages to display the requested Handbook with respect to releases . In the present case , previous handbooks are lost , because of the difficulty of finding them . Thank you very much and my best wishes for you and humanity in these pandemic days ... Mehmet Erol Sanliturk