I updated a FreeBSD-current to the newest FreeBSD-current/14, buildworld took 
11:15 (hours:minutes), buildkernel was also successful, I even appeared to be 
successful with "dhclient re0".

UPDATING file says to boot single-user after buildkernel and installkernel, but 
then mount -u / or mount -uw / does not work as it did in previous times.

Results were

mount -uw / or mount -u / produces 
fstab: /etc/fstab:2: Inappropriate file type or format
fstab: /etc/fstab:2: Inappropriate file type or format

# Device        Mountpoint      FStype  Options Dump    Pass#
/dev/gpt/Sea1-08  none swap     0       0
/dev/gpt/Sea1-18  / ufs rw      1       1
#/dev/gpt/Sea1-06 /home   ufs  rw 1  1

fsck -p produces

fstab: /etc/fstab:2: Inappropriate file type or format
/dev/gpt/Sea1-18: NO WRITE ACCESS

I tried fsck /dev/gpt/Sea1-18 and fsck / but did no better.

Now what do I do?  I also ran fsck_ffs instead of just fsck.

Do I need to boot NetBSD and run fsck_ffs or fsck_ffs -f from there?


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