> On 14 May 2021, at 17:29, Henri Hennebert <h...@restart.be> wrote:
> On 5/14/21 5:05 PM, Marc Veldman wrote:
>>> On 14 May 2021, at 16:48, Gary Jennejohn <gljennj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Fri, 14 May 2021 16:21:05 +0200
>>> Marc Veldman <m...@bumblingdork.com> wrote:
>>>>> On 14 May 2021, at 10:22, Henri Hennebert <h...@restart.be> wrote:
>>>>> Please test the 2.0h version from GitHub.
>>>> On my Lenovo P50s:
>>>> Cold boot with card not inserted: OK
>>>> Insert card after boot, no crash, but the message
>>>> seems weird:
>>>> May 14 16:01:27 supernovo kernel: rtsx0: Interrupt card inserted/removed
>>>> May 14 16:01:27 supernovo kernel: rtsx0: Card absent
>>>> May 14 16:01:27 supernovo kernel: mmc0: detached
>>>> Cold boot with card inserted: OK
>>>> Remove card after boot, no crash, but the message
>>>> seems weird:
>>>> May 14 16:06:08 supernovo kernel: rtsx0: Interrupt card inserted/removed
>>>> May 14 16:06:08 supernovo kernel: rtsx0: Card present
>>>> May 14 16:06:08 supernovo kernel: mmc0: <MMC/SD bus> on rtsx0
>>>> I have the inversion flag turned on /boot/loader.conf
>>>> dev.rtsx.0.inversion=1
>>>> dev.rtsx.0.debug=1
>>> This is weird because the man page states that the inversion flag is
>>> required with the P50.
>>> BTW Henri, if you're reading this, there's a bug in exactly this part
>>> of the man page: sovled rather than solved
> Thank you for the hint - will be corrected in the next push.
>>> But, the trace output indicates that you do not need the inversion flag.
>>> Maybe your P50 (may be a later model than the P50s tested during driver
>>> development) does not have the problem.
>> I removed the flag, and it works now.Thanks!
>> What is it in the trace that indicated that the inversion flag is not needed?
> In Bug 255130 they ask me to automate the inversion. I do it for the P50s and
> T470p following informations from Bug 204521.
> But strangely it is not applicable to this particular P50s. So, as indicated
> in my previous mail, it must be nullify with dev.rtsx.0.inversion=0.
> To investigate this last problem can you send
> kenv | grep smbios.system
marc@supernovo:~ $ kenv | grep smbios.system
smbios.system.family="ThinkPad P50s"
smbios.system.sku="LENOVO_MT_20FL_BU_Think_FM_ThinkPad P50s"
smbios.system.version="ThinkPad P50s"
marc@supernovo:~ $
> and
> dmesg|grep rtsx
rtsx0: <2.0h Realtek RTS522A PCI MMC/SD Card Reader> mem 0xf4100000-0xf4100fff
at device 0.0 on pci1
rtsx0: Inversion activated for LENOVO/ThinkPad P50s/20FLCTO1WW, see BUG in
rtsx0: If a card is detected without an SD card present, add
dev.rtsx.0.inversion=0 in loader.conf(5)
rtsx0: We are running with inversion: 0
rtsx0: Interrupt card inserted/removed
rtsx0: Card present
rtsx0: A card is detected
mmc0: <MMC/SD bus> on rtsx0
rtsx0: Interrupt card inserted/removed
rtsx0: Card absent
rtsx0: Interrupt card inserted/removed
rtsx0: Card present
mmc0: <MMC/SD bus> on rtsx0
rtsx0: Interrupt card inserted/removed
rtsx0: Card absent
Best regards,
Marc Veldman
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