
Thanks! I have to say that this is the most cogent explanation on how to 
prepare ZFS drives that 
anyone has ever given me.

Thanks again!


Joe McGuckin
ViaNet Communications
650-207-0372 cell
650-213-1302 office
650-969-2124 fax

> On Jan 12, 2021, at 10:32 AM, Freddie Cash <> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 12, 2021 at 10:10 AM joe mcguckin < 
> <>> wrote:
> Folks,
> I want to buy some 16TB drives and raid them up
> How should I label and prepare the drives for ZFS?  Someone ought to write a 
> ‘cookbook’ on that!
> If these drives will be strictly data drives (not booting from them), 
> partitioning them is fairly easy.  You will want to determine a labelling 
> system for them.  Personally, I like to label the drives using a grid system 
> (columns are letters, rows are numbers).  For systems with multiple JBODs 
> attached, I include which JBOD chassis their in as well.  For example, a 
> 24-bay chassis would use disk-a1, disk-a2, disk-a3 ... disk-d4, disk-d5, 
> disk-d6.  A system with 2 24-bay JBODs would use jbod1-a1, jbod1-a2, jbod1-a3 
> ... jbod2-d4, jbod2-d5, jbod2-d6.  So you label the GPT partition on each 
> disk, and build the pool using the GPT partition labels.
> gpart create -s gpt da0
> gpart add -t freebsd-zfs -a 1M -l disk-a1 da0
> gpart create -s gpt da1
> gpart add -t freebsd-zfs -a 1M -l disk-a2 da1
> And so on.  Add 1 disk, partition/label it based on its location.  Then add 
> the next disk.  And so on.
> Then use the GPT labels to create the pool (they show up as devices under the 
> /dev/gpt/ directory):
> zpool create mypool mirror gpt/disk-a1 gpt/disk-a2 mirror gpt/disk-a3 
> gpt/disk-a4 mirror gpt/disk-a5 gpt/disk-a6
> If you need to boot from these drives (make a root pool), then things get 
> more complicated.  Personally, I'd recommend using the 16 TB drives strictly 
> for a data pool, and then use some smaller SSDs for a root pool, in a simple 
> mirror vdev setup.  Separate the OS from the data.  :)
> Do I need to start the volume on a particular sector boundary?
> The "-a 1M" argument for gpart does it for you.  It aligns the partition at 
> the 1 MB boundary, and figures out which sector of the disk that corresponds 
> to based on the sector size of the disk (512B or 4K).
> Are the 4096 byte sector drives usable?
> Yeah, they work without issues.  Try not to mix 512B and 4K drives within a 
> single vdev (it'll work, but may cause performance issues).  Mixing them in a 
> pool (a vdev using 512B drives, another vdev using 4K drives) is okay, so 
> long as you set the vfs.zfs.min_auto_ashift sysctl to 12 (force the minimum 
> block size used by ZFS to be 4K).  That way, in the future, you can replace 
> the 512B drives with 4K drives without any performance issues.
> You can check what the ashift value is for each of the vdevs using:  zdb | 
> grep -B5 ashift
> If it shows ashift=9 anywhere, then destroy the pool, change the sysctl 
> value, and recreate the pool.  Check to make sure it shows ashift=12 in zdb 
> output.
> -- 
> Freddie Cash
> <>
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