On Mon, Jan 4, 2021 at 3:44 PM Poul-Henning Kamp <p...@phk.freebsd.dk> wrote:
> Shattered is less impressive when you take into account that you
> can stuff as much much garbage into a PDF file as you need, without
> affecting the files normal function.
> Compact data formats, formats which leave no wiggle-room and do not
> offer extension-space for "attic-junk", are much harder to produce
> *meaningful* collisions for.
> (I take no opinion in where git is on that spectrum.)

FWIW, a coworker of mine had a little hobby of introducing commits
into our internal repro that had hashes that all started with
deadc0de.  As I understand it, it was able to do this by adding an
bogus attribute with the right value to the commit object.  Now,
brute-forcing 8 digits in the hash is one thing and doing it for all
40 is quite another, but I suspect that this demonstrates that it's
*possible* to do it for a git hash, given enough computing resources.
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