On Tue, Dec 22, 2020 at 12:19:03PM -0800, Mark Millard wrote:
> git in base would have licensing issues.
I gather you're referring to GPLv2. A sticky wicket.

The trouble with ports is the tree is getting awfully big.
The host in question has a 32 GB disk and is over half full
with just a base source installation. Adding a "dormant"
ports tree will take nearly 2 GB, most of which is not used.

Might there be some way to clone a "sparse tree" including 
only one port, which then leafs out just enough to build that
port and dependencies? 

When the ports system was introduced it seemed a marvel of
compactness and efficiency. Time marches on.

> Pi2B: v1.1 (armv7 only)? v1.2 running armv7 FreeBSD?
> v1.2 running arm64 FreeBSD?
Sorry for the ambiguity... It's v1.1, armv7 only. That's
why I want to test git on this particular machine. Git
seems to work fine on the Pi3.

Thanks for replying!

bob prohaska

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