On Tue, Dec 22, 2020 at 09:34:25PM +0100, Ronald Klop wrote:
> what does "pkg install git" do for you? NB: I use "pkg install git-lite".
> Prevents about 1000 dependencies.

That seems to have worked. It reported something about package management
not being installed, but after a prompt installed pkg-static and set
up a version of git which seems to run. Svnlite had been working without
this step..... 

This is for a Pi2B v 1.1, arm v7 only.

Using the "mini git primer" at https://hackmd.io/hJgnfzd5TMK-VHgUzshA2g
I tried to clone stable/12 expecting that the -beta would be gone.

It looks as if I'm still jumping the gun. Although 
cgit.freegbsd.org replies to ping, using

bob@www:/usr % git clone cgit.freebsd.org -b stable/12 freebsd-src


fatal: repository 'cgit.freebsd.org' does not exist

This is just a rehearsal, so I can wait, but if I've 
made other mistakes please point them out.

Thanks for your help!

bob prohaska

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