On Mon, Nov 16, 2020 at 11:13 PM Matthias Apitz <g...@unixarea.de> wrote:

> El día lunes, noviembre 16, 2020 a las 10:32:38p. m. -0700, Warner Losh
> escribió:
> > For the supported stable branches, you'll be able to download via
> > subversion and switch over at any time before the end of project support
> > for the branch.
> >
> > However, when you make the switch to git (either due to the flag day and
> > tracking -current, or jumping from svn on a stable branch), there's no
> tool
> > to convert the subversion checked out tree to a git tree. The needed
> > information needed to create the git tree isn't easily available from the
> > subversion checkout, so you'll need to do a git clone. If bandwidth is a
> > problem, you can do a shallow clone that omits all the history and just
> > grabs the branch of interest. Git is a bit more link efficient than
> > subversion, which is helpful. Git also has ways to help you share one
> local
> > repo across checked out versions, which can also help if you have to
> track
> > multiple branches.
> >
> >
> Warner, please forgive me my nearly off-topic question: When we move to
> git, will this conserve all the FreeBSD svn history of ci's somehow? Can
> you please point me to a document about FreeBSD's transition from svn to
> git?

Yes. The history is preserved. As an aside, we've been exporting a git tree
for a while now, but it has so many issues in it that we decided to redo
the export to fix them. They weren't apparent in day-to-day grabbing of the
sources. However, when you went to do vendor-branch stuff or anything at
all complicated, the issues were so bad that we decided to fix them.

For docs, I'd start here:
https://github.com/bsdimp/freebsd-git-docs/blob/main/mini-primer.md  but in
general https://github.com/bsdimp/freebsd-git-docs/blob/main/ has
interesting docs that I'm working on. These are rough drafts for handbook
chapters. Since docs is migrating from DocBook to AsciiDoc, I did them in

Please let me know if there's bits that are missing that would be helpful
to add, or drop a pull request if you think you can improve the wording of

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