On Sun, Sep 06, 2020 at 10:22:33AM -0400, you (Ryan Moeller) sent the following 
to [freebsd-current] :
> > I switched back to base ZFS whilst on r364030 and upgraded to r365336 and 
> > deinstalled
> > openzfs and openzfs-kmod for now.
> > ZFS in base nicely auto-imported both zroot and backup pools for the 1st
> > time.
> I need to update the port, it's a little behind what's in base now.

Thanks Ryan

How does one verify which version of OpenZFS is actually in base?
sysutils/openzfs{-kmod} has/have 20200821, UPDATING has the 20200824 listing.
I can't find any version reference of OpenZFS in base from svn log

Marco van Lienen -- FreeBSD enthusiast
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