On Fri, 17 Apr 2020 23:07:38 +0200 Miroslav Lachman 000.f...@quip.cz said
Scott Long wrote on 04/17/2020 23:04:
>> On Apr 17, 2020, at 2:45 PM, Miroslav Lachman <000.f...@quip.cz> wrote:
>> Scott Long wrote on 04/17/2020 22:17:
>>>> On Apr 17, 2020, at 1:47 PM, Miroslav Lachman <000.f...@quip.cz> wrote:
>>>> Kurt Jaeger wrote on 04/17/2020 21:44:
>>>>> Hi!
>>>>>>> pciconf -lBc pcib12
>>>>>>> pciconf -lBc pcib13
>>>>>> Printscreen attached.
>>>>> Attachments are stripped from the list -- can you put them somewhere
>>>>> online ?
>>>> Here it is https://ibb.co/c1dZrTf
>>>> Miroslav Lachman
>>> Ok, the bridges know about their downstream bus numbers, but I see nothing
> that suggests that they’re being probed. The next step would be bootverbose,
> but that’s going to be a lot of output to collect in screen captures.
>> Over 3000 lines long but I finally managed to make SOL work so I have it as
> text!
>> https://pastebin.pl/view/90fdaafb
> This helped a lot, thanks. It looks like these PCIe buses are marked as
> being hotplug, and for some reason we’re not probing them. At this point,
> I’d need to feed you some kernel patches that will dump out more info, but
> you’d have to compile them and get them onto your boot media. Is that a
> possibility?
Currently I have all machines on 11.3 (where I can rebuild kernel
without problem)
If CURRENT is required I would need to setup some CURRENT VM in VirtualBox.
Can you send me some link to documentation who should I create new ISO
after rebuild?
Here's what I do
After building world && kernel:
# cd /usr/src/
# make installworld DESTDIR=/to/path/with-2Gig-space
# make distribution DESTDIR=/to/path/with-2Gig-space
(you need a slice with ~2G space available)
# mkisofs -b boot/cdboot -no-emul-boot -r -J -V "FreeBSD_<VERSION>_Install" -publisher
"<SOME_NAME>" -o /path/to/put/NEW_INSTALL.iso /to/path/with-2Gig-space
Hope it makes sense to you. :)
Miroslav Lachman
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