> On 11. Mar 2020, at 23:25, Bob Willcox <b...@immure.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 11, 2020 at 11:04:18PM +0100, Michael Gmelin wrote:
>>>> On 11. Mar 2020, at 22:58, Bob Willcox <b...@immure.com> wrote:
>>> ???On Wed, Mar 11, 2020 at 02:48:56PM +0100, Michael Gmelin wrote:
>>>> ???
>>>>>> On 11. Mar 2020, at 10:29, Mark Martinec
>>>>>> <mark.martinec+free...@ijs.si> wrote:
>>>>> ???
>>>>>>> I just updated my laptop from source, and somewhere along the way
>>>>>>> the key-codes Xorg sees changed.
>>>>>> Indeed.  This doesn't just affect -CURRENT: it happened to me on
>>>>>> -STABLE last week, so I'm copying that list too.
>>>>> And a "Down" key now opens and closes a KDE "Application Launcher",
>>>>> alternatively with its original function (which makes editing a
>>>>> frustration).
>>>>> https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=244354
>>>> This *might* help you:
>>>> https://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-x11/2020-February/025046.html
>>>> (Short version: run setxkbmap in ~/.xinitrc, e.g.,
>>>> setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout de)
>>> Will running that command return my key mappings back to what they use to 
>>> be?
>> It might fix the ???Down key opens application launcher??? problem by 
>> applying the correct keymap (you have to select the correct one, ???de??? 
>> probably won???t cut it for you). At least it did with xfce, where it was 
>> important to run it before the wm starts - you could also try running it 
>> afterwards to see if it makes a difference.
> I don't know about that problem. What I'm experiencing is the 
> Alt-up,down,left,right keys
> don't work as they used to in my ctwm window manager. They used to move the 
> current window
> to the closest boundry in the direction indicated by the key that is also 
> pressed (while
> holding the Alt key down). Also, Alt-shift-up,down,left,right would expand 
> the window in
> the direction indicated by the key. These actions seem to do nothing now.
I don’t know much about ctwm, but why don’t you give it a shot?


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