On 8/15/19 9:21 AM, Sean Eric Fagan wrote:
> I get:
>         Loading kernel...
>         /boot/kernel/kernel text=0x16c493c data=0x1c8b38+0x819238
>         syms=[0x8+0x180c18+0x8+0x19df0b]
>         Loading configured modules...
>         can't find '/boot/entropy'
>         \
> Note that I am using vm-bhyve as a management & control wrapper, so that was
> done by doing
>       vm create VM-TEST ; vm install VM-TEST 13.0.iso

I think vm-bhyve hides stderr output from bhyve by default, but there might
be a flag to make it display the stderr output.  Can you try doing that to see
if bhyve is reporting an error?  Alternatively, can you see if the bhyve
process is still running?

John Baldwin
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