On 6/22/2019 13:34, Rebecca Cran wrote:
> I just upgraded my UEFI system firmware, and not unexpectedly lost the
> "FreeBSD" boot manager entry after the settings got reset to default. I
> was left with "Windows", "opensuse" and two "UEFI OS" entries.
> The "opensuse-secureboot" entry wasn't automatically recreated, but
> since the "opensuse" entry uses the shim
> (https://github.com/rhboot/shim) it will be created when I boot "opensuse".
> I'm wondering if anyone knows who we should talk to in order to get
> \EFI\FreeBSD\loader.efi recognized by firmware as something to be added
> as a boot option by default? I plan to import the shim into the tree
> sometime so that we too can automatically recreate boot manager entries
> if they're deleted.
I use Refind for this sort of thing and it has (thus far!) survived
upgrades.  The only "gotcha" is that I had a Windows 10 "Feature"
upgrade that reset the default boot in the firmware to Windows; it
didn't damage anything but did require that I go reset the UEFI default
to boot the Refind EFI loader instead of the Windows one.
Karl Denninger
k...@denninger.net <mailto:k...@denninger.net>
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