from tech-lists:

> What do you do before buildworld?
> I'll rm -rf /usr/obj and /var/cache/ccache [1], create them again, then in
> /usr/src I'll do this:

> make -j32 cleanworld && make -j32 cleandir && make -j32 clean
> before make buildworld. it's probably overkill but it'll for sure clean
> away any cruft

> [1] make sure they get deleted without error. I've encountered
> bad_file_descriptor error in ccache dir before and it caused all kinds
> of errors when building, which looked like build errors but obv. were
> not.    

I did rm -R /usr/obj/* , so everything there was clean as far as I could see.

I had no /var/cache/cache .

I could still try to build current from the old current from August 2, 2017, or 
STABLE-12 from the old 11.1-STABLE from July 30, 2017.

Otherwise I still have stuff to do with NetBSD and Linux toolchains (OpenWRT, 
buildroot, crosstool-ng and ptxdist from Pengutronix).

Is there anything comparable to , 
but for FreeBSD?

If I see 0 passed, 67 failed for NetBSD-HEAD, I figure I should wait for a 
better time.  But what about FreeBSD?


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