> On January 19, 2019 at 2:52:28 AM, Lev Serebryakov 
> (l...@freebsd.org(mailto:l...@freebsd.org)) wrote:
> > I have never seen such item in BIOS Setup. I've checked two MoBos now (one 
> > is
> > Supermicro X9something and other is brand-new Goldmont-based Chinese MiniPC
> > like Intel NUK): both have one knob in setup about boot type
> > (Legacy/UEFI/Auto) and if UEFI is selected, Supermicro MoBo (but not Chinese
> > one) could be booted to "UEFI Console" which is not documented anywhere.
> >  
> > Ok, I've checked my desktop Asus Z170-A, but it is graphical and I could
> > not find or understand anything in this home-rown UI with crazy-fast mouse.
> >  
> On ASUS systems you normally press F8 during POST to bring up the boot menu, 
> and F11 on Supermicro systems.

ASUS should learn to put that stuff on screen... like everyone else.
I've been hitting the delete and going to the bios/boot tap which
also has a boot selection screen on one of my machines because I
did not know F8 existed.

Thank you!
Rod Grimes                                                 rgri...@freebsd.org
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