On 18.01.2019 17:03, Olivier Cochard-Labbé wrote:

>     > I was wondering if people will expect /boot.config to still be
>     read and so code should be added to loader to continue to parse it,
>     or if loader.conf can be considered the correct place and
>     boot.config forgotten about?
>      Please, not, please support /boot.config. loader.conf could be too late
>     in case of serial consoles.
>      I wonder, why EFI/UEFI and GPt booting (which should be more advanced)
>     is more limited than classic MBR/boot0 + boot1 + loader scheme :-(
>      Serial console support is worse. Selection of boot partition is not
>     supported (as opposide to very-simple-516-bytes boot0!), and so on :-(
> Hi,
> As an heavy nanobsd user on headless (serial/IPMI SoL) appliances, being
> able to early select the boot partition by MBR/boot0 and configuring
> early message redirection (with boot.config) is very useful.
> Not being able to do the same with GPT/EFI is the feature preventing me
> to upgrade my nanobsd image scheme.
 My case exactly.

// Lev Serebryakov

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