On 21.10.18 19:33, Konstantin Belousov wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 21, 2018 at 06:09:50PM +0200, Hannes Hauswedell wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I wanted to ask what the current status of Ryzen support is and/or
>> whether any new changes are planned.
>> My situation:
>> * second generation Ryzen: 2600X
>> * running -CURRENT
>> * I have done the things described here:
>> https://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-current/2018-June/069799.html
> This was based on the public errata document for the first gen ryzen.
> I am not aware of the erratas ('revision guides' in AMD terminology)
> for the second gen ryzens.
> For now you can only get fixes for microcode from your BIOS updates.

Thanks for the replies everyone! I ran

stress-ng --vm 12 --vm-bytes 12G --verify -v

and could reproducibly produce memory issues on FreeBSD, but not on Linux.
After updating the BIOS and deactivating swap on FreeBSD they seem to be
gone now, I am still investigating whether turning swap back on brings
them back which would hint at a possible disk problem or whether the
BIOS update changed this behaviour. Disk initially appeared more
plausible, but further tests suggest against it (it's a fairly new SSD,
multiple ZFS scrubs show now errors, there are no smart errors or other
errors reported by the kernel in regard to the disk).

Best regards,
pgp-key: https://hannes.hauswedell.net/hannes_hauswedell_public_key.asc
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