Hi Enji,

On Sun, Oct 14, 2018 at 06:51:42PM -0700, Enji Cooper (yaneurabeya) wrote:
E> Hi,
E>      I’m seeing a semi-deterministic panic on 12.0-ALPHA9 related to 
sendfile(2) when running sendfile_test on the host: 
https://pastebin.com/raw/6Y7xg0ki; it looks like it’s crashing in the sxlock 
code when calling sblock on a sockbuf. Are there any commands in gdb you would 
like me to run to display lock state?
E>      Repro:
E> mkdir /path/to/git/checkout
E> cd /path/to/git/checkout
E> git clone https://github.com/ngie-eign/freebsd/tree/sendfile_tests .
E> git checkout sendfile_tests
E> (cd lib/libc/tests/sys/; make obj; make; sudo make install)
E> kyua test -k /usr/tests/lib/libc/sys/Kyuafile sendfile_test

I'd like to reproduce it myself, but looks like URL is

glebius@erla:/usr/src:|>git clone 
Клонирование в «sendfile_tests»…
fatal: repository 'https://github.com/ngie-eign/freebsd/tree/sendfile_tests/' 
not found

Gleb Smirnoff
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