On Sun, Sep 16, 2018 at 4:31 PM Rebecca Cran <rebe...@bluestop.org> wrote:

> I'm just getting back into FreeBSD development, and I'm trying to focus
> on (U)EFI work.
> It seems there are various things that people would like to have done,
> some of which are listed on
> https://wiki.freebsd.org/DevSummit/201806/HaveNeedWant12 - and some of
> which I know are already being worked on.
> Would a wiki page be useful for coordinating efforts and seeing who's
> working on what, or should tasks be tracked through bugzilla?

Bugzilla is OK at individual tasks, but falls down when it comes to
creating master bugs. You can do it, but only if you want a master list. It
gets harder when you want to add metadata, imho.

I much prefer a wiki page to track bigger picture things (though there's
nothing wrong with creating a master bugzila bug if you want). That can
also give the bigger context and have a richer set of design discussions +
howtos than bugzilla would afford, ihmo.

What did you have in mind working on? I have a few things that are in
various stages of completeness around this issue that I've not had time to
polish off for the tree. Some I'd like to, but some may benefit from a
fresh perspective. Also, there's a fair number of hidden bugs in the stuff
committed around finding the whole path sometimes and the like.

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