On Fri, May 04, 2018 at 08:07:17AM +0200, Manuel Stühn wrote:
Since some time now CURRENT runs very smoothly on my Lenovo T450 in
conjunction with drm-stable-kmod installed. WLAN, Suspense&Resume worked
out of the box (at least ... until now). Due to pkg(8) complaining about
wrong ABI of packages, I've made an update from r332385 (1200061) to
r333091 (1200062), and now the T450 does not resume anymore; i have to
hold the power button for some time to power it down. The
ZFS-Boot-Environment I've made beforehand updating is still capable of
I tried to find out which commit broke the resume for me by installing
older kernels, but even installing r332385 kernel (into the actual
r333091 userland) does not restore its capability to resume.
Some more testing has happened:
Since I have a BootEnvironment capable of suspend/resume, I've tried
some combinations of kernels (in fact, whole boot-folders) and
unserlands. I copied the boot-folder from the BE r332385 (which works)
into the current BE and restarted. This combination was NOT able to
resume. But the other way around is (current boot-folder (r333091) in
the r332385 based BootEnvironment)
It seems to me, that not the kernel but either some change in userland
or package broke the resume somehow. But I do not have a clue, which of
those even can impact the resume procedure at all. Two packages came to
my mind:
1. graphics/drm-stable-kmod, but the installed packages are identical
for both, the "old" and the current BE. (both packages are installed
from ports along with the respective buildworld+buildkernel)
2. The firmwares used by sysutils/cpupdate, but after replacing the
firmware files with the firmwares from the old BE resume still doesn't
Any ideas?
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