On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Garance A Drosihn wrote:
> At 4:00 PM -0400 6/23/00, Kelly Yancey wrote:
> >On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Shawn Halpenny wrote:
> >
> > > I have not had any of the problems he's describing. I have never
> > > modified my shared memory settings in my kernel config either. If
> > > the problem is indeed Xfree 4.0, then I guess it must be a driver
> > > issue (I'm using the neomagic driver).
> >
> >You are running sawfish, and I'm willing to bet a not very graphics
> >intensive config at that.
> Note that Chris (who posted the original message) is also running
> sawmill/sawfish... (they are the same thing, right?)
Sawmill is *very* customizable. As a matter of fact, when I last tried
it the default config was kind of bare. However, a lisp wizard can really
jazz it up with loads of graphics, etc. So it is possible that Shawn is
using a 'simpler' config and Chris is the aforementioned lisp wizard :)
Sawmill/sawfish uses imlib, so if Chris is using a config with loads of
graphics, it would lend credence to my theory that imlib and XF86-4.0 are
interacting to create large/many shared memory segments.
Kelly Yancey - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Belmont, CA
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