> Hmm.  If SCSI drives are anything like ATAPI drives (and here I confess I 
> haven't checked), the first I/O after the eject button is pressed will 
> come back with a marker (eg. check condition) with sense information that 
> indicates that a user eject was requested.

The page at



        Storage-Related Specifications from Microsoft

             The download documents on this page are in Microsoft(R) Word
        format.  After unzipping, these files can be viewed in any text
        editor, including all versions of Microsoft Word, WordPad, and
        Microsoft Word Viewer.  (This link points to instructions on how
        to view and print documents in Microsoft Word.)

[It's an RTF file, so perhaps the "any text editor" claim could be
considered true.]

        Media Status Notification Support Specification, Version 1.03
        (Download: 44K RTF file, published: March 1996; file date = May
        20, 1996)
        Specifies, for ATA and ATAPI devices, the protocol for
        communicating when the user wants to eject the medium or has
        inserted a new medium.  Published by Microsoft Corporation.

             Important: For CD-ROM and DVD-ROM drives implementing Media
             Status Notification, the latest version of packet-based Media
             Status Notification specification is actually a subsection of
             the Mt.  Fuji specification, which is the command set
             specification for DVD-ROM that will be released as document SFF
             8090.  For CD-ROM and DVD-ROM drives, do not use Media Status
             Notification specification v.  1.03 or earlier, as this version
             of the specification does not apply to optical storage devices. 

             For complete information, see the current PC System Design


        Media Status Notification Specification for SCSI and ATAPI
        Devices, Version 0.1
        Specifies, for ATAPI and SCSI devices, the protocol for
        communicating when the user wants to eject the medium or has
        inserted a new medium.  Published by Microsoft Corporation.

        DRAFT: Media Status Notification Specification for SCSI and
        ATAPI Devices, Version 0.1
        (Download: 45K RTF file, published: March 1996; file date = May
        30, 1996)

[The first of the latter two is in HTML; the second of them is in RTF.]

The 0.1 specification (the HTML one, at


) says

        A major shortcoming of removable media devices on PC platforms
        is their inability to report to the host when the user attempts
        to eject the medium.  Currently most removable media devices
        just eject the medium when the user presses the Eject button,
        and potentially any data the operating system has not saved to
        the device is lost.  Various volume tracking and locking schemes
        reduce this risk, but do not eliminate it.  Ideally, devices
        will have a means of communicating to the host that the user
        wants to eject the medium or has inserted a new medium.

        This specification defines a protocol for providing this
        function for SCSI ATA and ATAPI devices.  The support is enabled
        using a new SCSI command, ENABLE MEDIA STATUS, and the media
        status is retrieved using a new SCSI ATA command, GET MEDIA

        Because it is difficult for a SCSI target to asynchronously
        interrupt the host due to lack of industry support for
        Asynchronous Event Notification, the GET MEDIA STATUS command is
        not completed by the target until a media status change occurs. 
        If tagged command queuing is not supported by the target and/or
        the host, a means of polling the target for status changes is
        also specified.  Note that in some controllers the unused words
        in the ID Drive data are returned as 0FFFFh.  Thus it may be
        better if the Status Notification support was returned as a 2
        bit field, where 00b, 11b are both defined as drive not
        supporting Status notification.

I suspect this is mainly intended for devices such as Zip drives (note
the comment about "potentially any data the operating system has not
saved to the device is lost").

The 1.03 version mentions only ATA drives, saying

        A major shortcoming of removable media devices on PC platforms
        is their inability to report to the host when the user attempts
        to eject the medium.  Currently most removable media devices
        just eject the medium when the user presses the Eject button,
        and potentially any data the operating system has not saved to
        the device is lost.  Various volume tracking and locking schemes
        reduce this risk, but do not eliminate it.  Ideally, devices
        will have a means of communicating to the host that the user
        wants to eject the medium or has inserted a new medium.

        This specification defines a protocol for providing this
        function for ATA and ATAPI devices.  The support is enabled
        using a SET FEATURES command, and the media status is retrieved
        using a new command, GET MEDIA STATUS.

        Because it is difficult for an ATA drive to asynchronously
        interrupt the host when it is not the active drive, this scheme
        is implemented by the host polling the device for status.

This sounds different from the "sense information that indicates that a
user reject was requested" stuff you mention; I don't know whether any
drives implement either of those specs (0.1 for SCSI and 1.03 for ATA?).

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