At 11:53 AM -0700 2000/6/19, Jason Evans wrote:
> Last week, approximately 20 BSD developers got together and discussed how
> to move FreeBSD's SMP support to the next level. Our effort will be
> largely based on the work that has been done in BSD/OS, which should make
> things go much more smoothly than they otherwise might, but we still expect
> -current to be destabilized for an extended period of time.
Wow. Cool. Way cool.
My mind is already beginning to boggle, just thinking of what
very little I know of what must go into a process like this....
On a totally non-technical, but somewhat related note, can anyone
give me any kind of idea how often relatively "large scale" changes
like this typically occur with FreeBSD?
By the time I came along, I think -CURRENT was already well into
4.x, so I don't have that kind of history to fall back on. I'm just
intensely curious to know how often "revolutions" of this kind of
scale typically happen within this project.
I can't wait to see the discussions go on with relation to all
this stuff! However, if you don't mind I think I'll continue to
track RELENG_4 and listen over here to get some idea of what may be
ultimately coming down the pike over there for -STABLE.
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Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> || Belgacom Skynet SA/NV
Systems Architect, Mail/News/FTP/Proxy Admin || Rue Colonel Bourg, 124
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