Em 2017-04-07 05:51, Toomas Soome escreveu:
On 7. apr 2017, at 11:29, Andrey Chernov <a...@freebsd.org> wrote:

 Hi Allan, the ls show all files without case match

ls [a-z]*

show all files beginning with a and A  like this [aA-zZ]*

No, last "Z" is not included.

   Look this, it's a great error!!!!

% foreach d ( a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v x z w y A B C D E K M Z )
foreach? touch $d
foreach? end
% locale
% ls [a-z]
a       c       e       h       K       n       r       v       z
A       C       E       i       l       o       s       w
b       d       f       j       m       p       t       x
B       D       g       k       M       q       u       y
% setenv LANG C
% ls [a-z]
a       d       g       j       m       p       s       v       y
b       e       h       k       n       q       t       w       z
c       f       i       l       o       r       u       x
% ls [A-Z]
A       B       C       D       E       K       M       Z
% setenv LANG pt_BR.UTF-8
% ls [A-Z]
A       C       E       i       l       o       s       w       Z
b       d       f       j       m       p       t       x
B       D       g       k       M       q       u       y
c       e       h       K       n       r       v       z

I lower- equal a upper-case why Z not show in this list?

image when a admin use like thinks some rm -rf /*/[A-Z]*

it's no make a sense!!!!

Why, I only change a charmap and all my world change!

in SH have poor workaround thas not work, if i need this

% ls [a-b,k-m]
a       A       b       k       K       l       m
% setenv LANG C
% ls [a-b,k-m]
a       b       k       l       m

try to do this in sh, with [[:lower:]] or [[:upper:]] , not work

it's greater error of implements

Ok, it's not a pure ASCII char, but it's must be treated like this

This is to define set of chars: { a, A-z, Z } ? A-z of course does not
make any sense;) Of course note that in few locales z is sorted after
s, meaning that list like that can be rather short;)


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