On Wed, 22 Mar 2017 12:55:58 +0000, Jamie Landeg-Jones <ja...@dyslexicfish.net> 

> "Jeffrey Bouquet" <jbt...@iherebuywisely.com> wrote:
> > > If you intend to use "svn up", you should probably review, and
> > > follow the instructions in, /usr/src/UPDATING.
> >
> > but just for one binary?  and one man page update? 
> > As in, it is only two files, how to update singly if does not require a 
> > buildworld...
> I've no idea what is causing your current problem, but it's perfectly fine to 
> do:
> cd /usr/src/usr.bin/awk (for example)
> make
> make install
> make clean
> make cleandepends
> I do this kind of thing all the time. Obvious caveats apply:
> 1) You are no longer tracking a "standard" installation.
> 2) You may create a problem with mismatched versions of things.
> 3) Relating to 2), some things may not compile or work as intended due
>    to changes elsewhere that would need to also be applied to the system.
> But other than that, things should work (to use your example, awk should work 
> fine)
> Are you doing the 'make install' rather than installing manually?
> cheers, Jamie

Hmm... I crafted a reply, then noticed the email was to me.
I've been using
cd /usr/src/usr.sbin/[someplace]
    svn up .   [indent so not as to appear in history]
make cleandepend
make depend
make obj
and if that fails
mmv /etc/make.conf /     [ not precisely that but same thing ]
zsh /tmp/llvm39.sh

export CC=/usr/local/bin/clang39  
export CXX=/usr/local/bin/clang++39  
export CPP=/usr/local/bin/clang-cpp 
cd  $1  # /usr/src/usr.sbin/pw
make cleandepend
make obj
make depend
make install

to make the build with a new clang that may work better.
I've more or less given up until a new buildworld/installworld
risky at here, installworld sometimes fails though, and only hope
that the many migrating to BSD I see on linux.reddit.com and
elsewhere don't pick up on ZFS so much as improvements and
robust current fails-installworld-less-often,  reinvoke/reinvigorate
portmanager [of old], pkgdb -F  [long since forgotten],
portmaster, portupgrade, etc to be again 2004 style seamlessly
integrated into/with packages and the other wish-list stuff
I once wrote about [parallel pkg-fetch for production machines
depending upon a flat-file /var/db/pkg 'local.sqlite3' that can
be awked sed'ed into temporary forgiveness upon a hosed 
pkg upgrade, then switched back to the newer pkg commands
in a duplicate-pkg-methodology on same-production machine
framework that would stand far above anything debian arch
ubuntu centos etc could do,  
but mystified still by terse not upto newbie speed in 
/usr/src/UPDATING to cover all the edge cases, mfsbsd
methodologies  etc, that people detail in the forums, and
on blog posts, that never actually make it into local
new-install documentation, that could be done if persons
wrote as verbosely and profusely as I seem to do, but only
in an ask ask ask and never produce produce manner, for
which I apologize, for I have other demands upon my time
that conflict and as you can see broadly limit my
input to email and the once-yearly bugzilla of note or
that passes into irrelevance upon the next iteration of
an installworld.
OTOH I closely follow HAMMER HAMMER2 improvements as
a on-up on UFS2, and openbsd forum details for howtos
that do not appear sometimes in the  FreeBSD forum.
So thanks for the reply to my email.
Things are peachy more or less here with FreeBSD, for instance
uptime, 16:04 despite daily core files and bland ignorance of
kgbd upon the debugging custom kernel backtraces that appear
during dmesg, starting Xorg, umounting backup filesystems,
and the daily browser freeze if I've too many open, or too
large pages in links -g.
But enough of wall of text.
Thanks again.
PS sorry for the rough draft. I am out of time. 
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