On Sun, 13 Nov 2016, Daniel Campos do Nascimento wrote:


First time posting on a mailing list...

I currently have 11.0-STABLE installed on my laptop which has a Core
i7-6500U. I can't get Xorg-server to work neither with xf86-driver-intel,
nor with i915kms driver; I'm falling back on the scfb driver. I would like
to know how the situation is with 12.0-CURRENT regarding graphics?

TrueOS.org is FreeBSD-current (yes, a rolling release) plus the latest video driver work that is not in -current plus some other things like LibreSSL. It worked on a Core M Broadwell tablet, but I have not really tested it thoroughly. It is supports Skylake, but my only Skylake machine has a Radeon board and is running plain -current.

This was formerly called PC-BSD, but it has changed name and design lately.
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