On Thu, 8 Jun 2000, George Michaelson wrote:
> there doesn't appear to be recent mail in the searchable archives
> discussing the status of Heimdal, Kerberos V or pam.
> can somebody clueful give me some pointers please?
Pointers on?
Pointers on the status of Heimdal, Kerberos V and pam.
What I infer is:
Heimdal is still 'experimental'
Kerberos V is mostly back-links to the imported heimdal
pam is stuck at Kerberos_IV for the time being
/etc/services is 'almost' ok for Kerberos V
the port in /usr/ports/security/heimdal is pretty well ok but
runs from /usr/local, and doesn't use exactly the same formats
for data: you can do some things off the /usr/src/ installed code
but some others don't work.
George Michaelson | DSTC Pty Ltd
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | University of Qld 4072
Phone: +61 7 3365 4310 | Australia
Fax: +61 7 3365 4311 | http://www.dstc.edu.au
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