> > Is there already a tool that checks the installed ports for available
> > updates in /usr/ports?
> > 
> > I've written such a tool, which seems to work fine already. Anyone
> > interested?
> pkg_version(1)

Ah, haven't seen that before. The output of pkg_version is very
canonical, but not very readable for humans. And it's slower than my
version... ;-)

Here is my version called "ports_updates":



# $Id: ports_updates,v 1.1 2000/06/01 20:24:06 schuerge Exp $
# 20000601 schuerge first checkin
# TODO: Make version check more sophisticated. Currently the version strings are
#       compared lexicographically, which may sometimes not be what is expected.
# ports_updates - fast check for available updates of installed ports
# (C) 2000 by Thomas Schürger   Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# invocation:
#              ports_updates
# description:
#              Checks for each installed port if a newer version is available
#              in /usr/ports. Ports are output in a sorted manner.
#              Uses efficient merge-sort like algorithm for detecting updated
#              port versions. The file /usr/ports/INDEX is inspected for
#              detecting updates, which is not updated daily in the ports
#              collection. Therefore the results are just almost exact.

$installedports = `\\ls -1 /var/db/pkg | sort -t "-" +0 -1`;
@installedports = split(/\n/, $installedports);

$c = 0;
foreach $i ( @installedports )
    next if($i =~ /^\./);   # super-user ls also lists dot-files
    $i =~ /(.*)-([^\-].*)/;
    $installedname[$c] = $1;
    $installedversion[$c] = $2;

$ports = ` cut -f "1-2" -d "|" /usr/ports/INDEX | sort -t "-" +0 -1`;
@ports = split(/\n/, $ports);

$c = 0;
foreach $i ( @ports )
    $i =~ /^(.*)-([^\-\|].*)\|(.*)/;
    $name[$c] = $1;
    $version[$c] = $2;
    $location[$c] = $3;
    # $location[$c] =~ s/^\/usr\/ports\///;

@a = stat("/usr/ports/INDEX");
$time = localtime($a[9]);
$age = -M "/usr/ports/INDEX";

if($age >= 30)
    printf("Ports available: %4d (last port index update: %s)\n",($#ports+1),$time);
    printf("Ports available: %4d (last port index update %d day%s 
ago)\n",($#ports+1),$age,$age == 1 ? "" : "s");

printf("Ports installed: %4d\n",($#installedname+1));

$c = 0;   # counter for @ports
$d = 0;   # counter for @installedports

while($c <= $#name && $d <= $#installedname)
    $a = $name[$c] cmp $installedname[$d];

    # printf("%4d %-30s %-10s  %4d %-30s %-10s  

    if($a == 0)
        $ver = $version[$c];
        $instver = $installedversion[$d];

        if($ver gt $instver)  # newer version available?
            if(!$header)  # has the table header not been printed yet?
                print "\nThe following installed ports should be updated:\n\n";
                print "Port name            /usr/ports   Installed   Port location\n";
                $header = 1;

            printf("%-20s %-12s %-10s  %s\n",$name[$c],$ver,$instver,$location[$c]);

    $c++ if($a <= 0);

    if($a > 0)
    $d++ if($a >= 0);

    print "\nCongratulations, all installed ports are up-to-date!\n";

if($#obsolete >= 0)
    print "\nThe following ports are installed but are no longer available in 
    print "(or now have a different name) and should be considered for deletion:\n\n";

    foreach $i (@obsolete)
        print "$i\n",


Thomas Schürger.   http://www.menden.org

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