On 13 Jul 2016, at 10:17, O. Hartmann <ohart...@zedat.fu-berlin.de> wrote:
> A CD is still a used media, but it starts getting squeezy on it as certain
> software starts to grow - as CLANG/LLVM does. Maybe it is time to have also 
> CDs
> as "miniboot" and DVDs for a more complete installation media?

I completely agree.  If you’re installing somewhere that’s not firewalled off 
completely from the Internet, then it’s typically faster to boot the bootonly 
ISO and then download the rest on the target machine (from a local mirror if 
necessary).  Even 100Mb/s ethernet is faster than most CD drives.  If you need 
offline installs, then the DVD with a bunch of other packages on it is probably 
what you want, not a CD that just contains the base system.

Even if you can’t boot from USB (as I can’t on one of my FreeBSD machines), it 
should be possible to stick the base distributions and a package repo on a USB 
stick, use the boot-only ISO to boot and then install from USB.


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