On 2016-05-14 08:49, Mehmet Erol Sanliturk wrote:
> On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 9:50 PM, Shane Ambler <free...@shaneware.biz> wrote:
>> I'm not expecting a reply to this, it was something that come up
>> discussing building custom kernels.
>> Just wondering if someone may be interested in looking at the
>> possibility of changing username length to a sysctl.
>> As the number of people using computers is increasing, it is now
>> common for web sites/mail servers to use your full email as your
>> username, keeping that consistent through all username usage doesn't
>> seem like an unreasonable request. I would expect a username length
>> sysctl value would only be allowed to be set in the loader.conf at boot
>> time, similar to zfs.arc_max
> Over time , I want to generate a FreeBSD live CD/DVD with root/user
> password entered on boot ( i.e. , no prerecorded passwords ) from a 2D bar
> code or from a USB stick or from an SD card with sufficiently long length
> defined in the kernel routines .
> This feature also may be used for remote logins .
> Such a long password generated by a program by random character selection
> from a character alphabet  is impossible to estimate .
> This "password name length" feature may also be considered along side with
> "user name length" .
> Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
>> -------- Forwarded Message --------
>> Subject: Re: Custom kernel for NAT and PF ?
>> Date: Sat, 14 May 2016 13:58:56 +0930
>> From: Shane Ambler <free...@shaneware.biz>
>> To: Doug McIntyre <mer...@geeks.org>, FreeBSD Questions <
>> freebsd-questi...@freebsd.org>
>> On 14/05/2016 04:40, Doug McIntyre wrote:
>>> On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 02:04:55PM +0930, Shane Ambler wrote:
>>>> Now you only need to compile a custom kernel if you want to use newer
>>>> features.
>>> ...
>>> Unfortunately, I have two situations where that isn't true.
>>> For the first, I wish that just loading the PPS drivers enabled the
>>> PPS_SYNC option in the kernel, but it doesn't seem to. (if there is
>>> a way to enable 'option PPS_SYNC' with a generic kernel I'd like to know,
>>> but my experients didn't lead me that working. I still have to compile
>>> the kernel for my GPS connected NTP servers. Which makes me wonder why
>>> the PPS drivers are a kernel loadable object.
>> I would report that as a bug and see if it can be improved.
>> The second is that the username handling is still limited to 32-bytes,
>>> which really cramps my logins for '
>>> billyjoebobu...@somesillydomainname.com'
>>> so I have to build a custom kernel with longer usernames patched for
>>> the systems that need to deal with system logins like that.
>> While I don't have that issue, it does sound like an old time
>> limitation that should be considered for rework. Maybe it could be
>> made into an adjustable sysctl.
>> --
>> FreeBSD - the place to B...Software Developing
>> Shane Ambler
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The maximum length of the password is determined by the hashing
algorithm used to hash the password.

The now default sha512crypt has no upper limit at all.

Allan Jude
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