On 2015-05-16 00:42, Stanislav Sedov wrote:

On May 15, 2015, at 11:30 AM, Michał Stanek<m...@semihalf.com>  wrote:


I am experiencing an early failure of UMA on an ARM64 platform with 48
cores enabled. I get a kernel panic during initialization of VM. Here is
the boot log (lines with 'MST:' are my own debug printfs).

Copyright (c) 1992-2015 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
    The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.
FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #333 52fd91e(smp_48)-dirty: Fri May 15 18:26:56 CEST
FreeBSD clang version 3.6.0 (tags/RELEASE_360/final 230434) 20150225
MST: in vm_mem_init()
MST: in vmem_init() with param *vm == kernel_arena
MST: in vmem_xalloc() with param *vm == kernel_arena
MST: in vmem_xalloc() with param *vm == kmem_arena
panic: mtx_lock() of spin mutex (null) @
cpuid = 0
KDB: enter: panic
[ thread pid 0 tid 0 ]
Stopped at      0xffffff80001f4f80:

The kernel boots fine when MAXCPU is set to 30 or lower, but the error
above always appears when it is set to a higher value.

The panic is triggered by a KASSERT in __mtx_lock_flags() which is called
with the macro VMEM_LOCK(vm) in vmem_xalloc(). This is line 1143 in
subr_vmem.c (log shows different line number due to added printfs).
It looks like the lock belongs to 'kmem_arena' which is uninitialized at
this point (kmeminit() has not been called yet).

While debugging, I tried modifying VM code as a quick workaround. I
replaced the number of cores to 1 wherever mp_ncpus, mp_maxid or MAXCPU
(and others) are read. This, I believe, limits UMA per-cpu caches to just
one, while the rest of the OS (scheduler, etc) sees all 48 cores.
In addition, I changed UMA_BOOT_PAGES in sys/vm/uma_int.h to 512 (default
was 64).
With these tweaks, I got a successful (but not really stable) boot with 48
cores. Of course these are dirty hacks and a proper solution is needed.

I am a bit surprised that the kernel fails with MAXCPU==48 as the amd64
arch has this value set to '256' and I have read posts that other platforms
with even more cores have worked fine. Perhaps I need to tweak some other
VM parameters, apart from UMA_BOOT_PAGES (AKA vm.boot_pages), but I am not
sure how.

I included a full stacktrace and a more verbose log (with UMA_DEBUG macros
enabled) in the attachment. There is also a diff of the hacks I used while

Hi, Michal!

It looks like the log attachment didn’t make it though the mailing list.
Can you please resend it again?

The panic suggests that a mutex was left uninitialized...


Yes you're right, kmem_arena's mutex is used before it is initialized. I do not know why increasing MAXCPU causes such behavior.

Here is the stacktrace at the point of the panic:


Diff of the hacks in UMA:

diff --git a/sys/kern/kern_malloc.c b/sys/kern/kern_malloc.c
index aef1e4e..be225fb 100644
--- a/sys/kern/kern_malloc.c
+++ b/sys/kern/kern_malloc.c
@@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ malloc_uninit(void *data)
      * Look for memory leaks.
     temp_allocs = temp_bytes = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < MAXCPU; i++) {
+    for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
         mtsp = &mtip->mti_stats[i];
         temp_allocs += mtsp->mts_numallocs;
         temp_allocs -= mtsp->mts_numfrees;
diff --git a/sys/kern/subr_vmem.c b/sys/kern/subr_vmem.c
index 80940be..89d62ed 100644
--- a/sys/kern/subr_vmem.c
+++ b/sys/kern/subr_vmem.c
@@ -665,7 +665,8 @@ vmem_startup(void)
      * CPUs to attempt to allocate new tags concurrently to limit
      * false restarts in UMA.
-    uma_zone_reserve(vmem_bt_zone, BT_MAXALLOC * (mp_ncpus + 1) / 2);
+    //mst look here
+    uma_zone_reserve(vmem_bt_zone, BT_MAXALLOC * (1 + 1) / 2);
     uma_zone_set_allocf(vmem_bt_zone, vmem_bt_alloc);
diff --git a/sys/vm/uma_core.c b/sys/vm/uma_core.c
index b96c421..6382437 100644
--- a/sys/vm/uma_core.c
+++ b/sys/vm/uma_core.c
@@ -98,6 +98,14 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
 #include <vm/memguard.h>

+//mst: override some defines
+#undef curcpu
+#define    curcpu    0
+#undef    CPU_FOREACH
+#define    CPU_FOREACH(i)                            \
+    for ((i) = 0; (i) <= 0; (i)++)                \
+        if (!CPU_ABSENT((i)))
* This is the zone and keg from which all zones are spawned. The idea is that * even the zone & keg heads are allocated from the allocator, so we use the
@@ -1228,6 +1236,7 @@ keg_small_init(uma_keg_t keg)

     if (keg->uk_flags & UMA_ZONE_PCPU) {
         u_int ncpus = mp_ncpus ? mp_ncpus : MAXCPU;
+        ncpus = 1;

         keg->uk_slabsize = sizeof(struct pcpu);
         keg->uk_ppera = howmany(ncpus * sizeof(struct pcpu),
@@ -1822,7 +1831,7 @@ uma_startup(void *bootmem, int boot_pages)
     args.name = "UMA Zones";
     args.size = sizeof(struct uma_zone) +
-        (sizeof(struct uma_cache) * (mp_maxid + 1));
+        (sizeof(struct uma_cache) * (0 + 1));
     args.ctor = zone_ctor;
     args.dtor = zone_dtor;
     args.uminit = zero_init;
@@ -3301,7 +3310,7 @@ uma_zero_item(void *item, uma_zone_t zone)

     if (zone->uz_flags & UMA_ZONE_PCPU) {
-        for (int i = 0; i < mp_ncpus; i++)
+        for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
             bzero(zpcpu_get_cpu(item, i), zone->uz_size);
     } else
         bzero(item, zone->uz_size);
@@ -3465,7 +3474,7 @@ sysctl_vm_zone_stats(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS)
     bzero(&ush, sizeof(ush));
     ush.ush_version = UMA_STREAM_VERSION;
-    ush.ush_maxcpus = (mp_maxid + 1);
+    ush.ush_maxcpus = (0 + 1);
     ush.ush_count = count;
     (void)sbuf_bcat(&sbuf, &ush, sizeof(ush));

@@ -3509,7 +3518,7 @@ sysctl_vm_zone_stats(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS)
              * accept the possible race associated with bucket
              * exchange during monitoring.
-            for (i = 0; i < (mp_maxid + 1); i++) {
+            for (i = 0; i < (0 + 1); i++) {
                 bzero(&ups, sizeof(ups));
                 if (kz->uk_flags & UMA_ZFLAG_INTERNAL)
                     goto skip;
diff --git a/sys/vm/uma_int.h b/sys/vm/uma_int.h
index 11ab24f..b5b5a05 100644
--- a/sys/vm/uma_int.h
+++ b/sys/vm/uma_int.h
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
#define UMA_SLAB_MASK (PAGE_SIZE - 1) /* Mask to get back to the page */
 #define UMA_SLAB_SHIFT    PAGE_SHIFT    /* Number of bits PAGE_MASK */

-#define UMA_BOOT_PAGES        64    /* Pages allocated for startup */
+#define UMA_BOOT_PAGES        512    /* Pages allocated for startup */

 /* Max waste percentage before going to off page slab management */
 #define UMA_MAX_WASTE    10

And lastly, the more verbose log:

Copyright (c) 1992-2015 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
    The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.
FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT #336 52fd91e(smp_48)-dirty: Fri May 15 18:57:05 CEST 2015 mst@arm64-prime:/usr/home/mst/freebsd_v8/obj_kernel/arm64.aarch64/usr/home/mst/freebsd_v8/kernel/sys/THUNDER-88XX arm64
FreeBSD clang version 3.6.0 (tags/RELEASE_360/final 230434) 20150225
MST: in vm_mem_init()
Creating uma keg headers zone and keg.
UMA: UMA Kegs(0xffffff8000d1b140) size 256(256) flags 0x20000000 ipers 15 ppera 1 out 0 free 0
Filling boot free list.
Creating uma zone headers zone and keg.
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Kegs(0xffffff8000d1b140)
alloc_slab:  Allocating a new slab for UMA Kegs
UMA: UMA Zones(0xffffff8000d1b000) size 1856(1856) flags 0x20000000 ipers 2 ppera 1 out 0 free 0
Creating slab and hash zones.
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Zones(0xffffff8000d1b000)
alloc_slab:  Allocating a new slab for UMA Zones
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Kegs(0xffffff8000d1b140)
UMA: UMA Slabs(0xffffffc0789fe000) size 112(112) flags 0x20000000 ipers 35 ppera 1 out 0 free 0
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Zones(0xffffff8000d1b000)
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Kegs(0xffffff8000d1b140)
UMA: UMA RCntSlabs(0xffffffc0789fe740) size 120(120) flags 0x20000000 ipers 33 ppera 1 out 0 free 0
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Zones(0xffffff8000d1b000)
alloc_slab:  Allocating a new slab for UMA Zones
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Kegs(0xffffff8000d1b140)
UMA: UMA Hash(0xffffffc0789fd000) size 256(256) flags 0x20000000 ipers 15 ppera 1 out 0 free 0
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Zones(0xffffff8000d1b000)
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Kegs(0xffffff8000d1b140)
UMA: 4 Bucket(0xffffffc0789fd740) size 32(32) flags 0x10000040 ipers 124 ppera 1 out 0 free 0
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Zones(0xffffff8000d1b000)
alloc_slab:  Allocating a new slab for UMA Zones
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Kegs(0xffffff8000d1b140)
UMA: 6 Bucket(0xffffffc0789fc000) size 48(48) flags 0x10000040 ipers 83 ppera 1 out 0 free 0
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Zones(0xffffff8000d1b000)
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Kegs(0xffffff8000d1b140)
UMA: 8 Bucket(0xffffffc0789fc740) size 64(64) flags 0x10000040 ipers 62 ppera 1 out 0 free 0
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Zones(0xffffff8000d1b000)
alloc_slab:  Allocating a new slab for UMA Zones
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Kegs(0xffffff8000d1b140)
UMA: 12 Bucket(0xffffffc0789fb000) size 96(96) flags 0x10000040 ipers 41 ppera 1 out 0 free 0
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Zones(0xffffff8000d1b000)
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Kegs(0xffffff8000d1b140)
UMA: 16 Bucket(0xffffffc0789fb740) size 128(128) flags 0x10000040 ipers 31 ppera 1 out 0 free 0
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Zones(0xffffff8000d1b000)
alloc_slab:  Allocating a new slab for UMA Zones
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Kegs(0xffffff8000d1b140)
UMA: 32 Bucket(0xffffffc0789fa000) size 256(256) flags 0x10000040 ipers 15 ppera 1 out 0 free 0
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Zones(0xffffff8000d1b000)
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Kegs(0xffffff8000d1b140)
UMA: 64 Bucket(0xffffffc0789fa740) size 512(512) flags 0x10000040 ipers 7 ppera 1 out 0 free 0
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Zones(0xffffff8000d1b000)
alloc_slab:  Allocating a new slab for UMA Zones
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Kegs(0xffffff8000d1b140)
UMA decided we need offpage slab headers for keg: 128 Bucket, calculated wastedspace = 912, maximum wasted space allowed = 409, calculated ipers = 4, new wasted space = 0
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Hash(0xffffffc0789fd000)
alloc_slab:  Allocating a new slab for UMA Hash
UMA: 128 Bucket(0xffffffc0789f9000) size 1024(1024) flags 0x10000148 ipers 4 ppera 1 out 0 free 0
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Zones(0xffffff8000d1b000)
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Kegs(0xffffff8000d1b140)
UMA decided we need offpage slab headers for keg: 256 Bucket, calculated wastedspace = 1936, maximum wasted space allowed = 409, calculated ipers = 2, new wasted space = 0
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Hash(0xffffffc0789fd000)
UMA: 256 Bucket(0xffffffc0789f9740) size 2048(2048) flags 0x10000148 ipers 2 ppera 1 out 0 free 0
UMA startup complete.
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Zones(0xffffff8000d1b000)
alloc_slab:  Allocating a new slab for UMA Zones
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Kegs(0xffffff8000d1b140)
UMA: vmem btag(0xffffffc0789f7000) size 56(56) flags 0x80000080 ipers 71 ppera 1 out 0 free 0
alloc_slab:  Allocating a new slab for vmem btag
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Zones(0xffffff8000d1b000)
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Kegs(0xffffff8000d1b140)
UMA: VM OBJECT(0xffffffc0789f7740) size 256(256) flags 0x20 ipers 15 ppera 1 out 0 free 0
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Zones(0xffffff8000d1b000)
alloc_slab:  Allocating a new slab for UMA Zones
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Kegs(0xffffff8000d1b140)
alloc_slab:  Allocating a new slab for UMA Kegs
UMA: RADIX NODE(0xffffffc0789f5000) size 144(144) flags 0x80000080 ipers 27 ppera 1 out 0 free 0
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Zones(0xffffff8000d1b000)
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Kegs(0xffffff8000d1b140)
UMA: MAP(0xffffffc0789f5740) size 240(240) flags 0x20 ipers 16 ppera 1 out 0 free 0
alloc_slab:  Allocating a new slab for MAP
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Zones(0xffffff8000d1b000)
alloc_slab:  Allocating a new slab for UMA Zones
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Kegs(0xffffff8000d1b140)
UMA: KMAP ENTRY(0xffffffc0789f2000) size 128(128) flags 0x800000c0 ipers 31 ppera 1 out 0 free 0
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Zones(0xffffff8000d1b000)
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Kegs(0xffffff8000d1b140)
UMA: MAP ENTRY(0xffffffc0789f2740) size 128(128) flags 0 ipers 31 ppera 1 out 0 free 0
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Zones(0xffffff8000d1b000)
alloc_slab:  Allocating a new slab for UMA Zones
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from UMA Kegs(0xffffff8000d1b140)
UMA: VMSPACE(0xffffffc0789f1000) size 384(384) flags 0x20 ipers 10 ppera 1 out 0 free 0
Allocating one item from MAP(0xffffffc0789f5740)
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from MAP(0xffffffc0789f5740)
Allocating one item from KMAP ENTRY(0xffffffc0789f2000)
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from KMAP ENTRY(0xffffffc0789f2000)
alloc_slab:  Allocating a new slab for KMAP ENTRY
MST: in vmem_init() with param *vm == kernel_arena
MST: in vmem_xalloc() with param *vm == kernel_arena
Allocating one item from vmem btag(0xffffffc0789f7000)
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from vmem btag(0xffffffc0789f7000)
Allocating one item from vmem btag(0xffffffc0789f7000)
INTERNAL: Allocating one item from vmem btag(0xffffffc0789f7000)
alloc_slab:  Allocating a new slab for vmem btag
MST: in vmem_xalloc() with param *vm == kmem_arena
panic: mtx_lock() of spin mutex (null) @ /usr/home/mst/freebsd_v8/kernel/sys/kern/subr_vmem.c:1165
cpuid = 0
KDB: enter: panic
[ thread pid 0 tid 0 ]
Stopped at      0xffffff80001f4f80:

Best regards,
Michal Stanek
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