Sounds good to me, again, I won't be doing anything for the next 2 weeks
except studying for finals, but as soon as I'm finished, I'll work on the
changes to the pkg_ commands to get the working this way.
| Kenneth Culver | FreeBSD: The best OS around. |
| Unix Systems Administrator | ICQ #: 24767726 |
| and student at The | AIM: muythaibxr |
| The University of Maryland, | Website: (Under Construction) |
| College Park. ||
On 8 May 2000, Satoshi - Ports Wraith - Asami wrote:
> * From: Kenneth Wayne Culver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> * dependancies, I think it would be a nice idea to add an option to
> * pkg_delete to automatically delete all dependancies that aren't currently
> * used by anything else. If nobody is interested in doing this, I can do it
> Be careful about that "aren't currently used by anything else" part.
> If you already had a port A installed, and then later installed B
> (which just happens to depend on A), you could get A erased when you
> erase B.
> You probably need to change pkg_add too, so that it will note
> somewhere on A's dependency list that it was installed by which port,
> and let pkg_delete check it.
> It usually goes like this:
> @ install B, pkg_add installs A too, and mark A that it was
> "installed by B"
> @ deinstall B, pkg_delete checks A, finds the mark and deletes it too
> While, if you had installed A beforehand, it will be like:
> @ install A
> (...few months pass...)
> @ install B, nothing special happens re the flag
> @ deinstall B, pkg_delete checks A and doesn't find the flag, so
> doesn't delete it
> You can also add a flag to pkg_delete to override said check in case
> you know you installed A just for the purpose of installing B.
> If you come up with the file format and patches to pkg_*, I'll modify
> so it will DTRT on dependencies installed by "make
> install".
> Satoshi
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