Greetings, I'm attempting to build/install world/kernel on a fresh install of 11 on bare metal, from the bootonly iso from 10-26. I understand that clang is the default for 10+. But had hoped to install it from ports *after* kernel/world. I used what I *thought* was the correct direction to do this: src.conf(5) WITH_GCC=true WITH_GCC_BOOTSTRAP=true WITH_GNUCXX=true WITHOUT_CLANG_BOOTSTRAP=true WITHOUT_CLANG=true WITHOUT_CLANG_IS_CC=true
But after attempting to 'make -j6 buildworld'. It failed. So while still in /usr/src, I make clean, cd /usr/obj, and chflags -R noschg *, then rm -rf *, followed by cd /usr/src, and make buildworld. This too fails. I inadvertently clobbered the output I had intended to post along with this message. But I remember it being during the CC of rescue. If that helps any. Thank you for all your time, and consideration. --Chris _______________________________________________ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""