On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 09:38:08AM -0500, Rick Miller wrote:
> Hi all,
> release/Makefile in CURRENT utilizes MK_* knobs vs. the WITH_/WITHOUT_*
> knobs seen in release/Makefile in the STABLE/RELEASE branches.  Merging a
> CURRENT version of the Makefile into a RELEASE branch and executing a
> release build results in an error citing "MK_KERNEL_SYMBOLS can't be set by
> a user".  Comparisons of the Makefile between CURRENT and STABLE/RELEASE
> exposed the difference and changing the knobs from MK_ to WITHOUT_ resolved
> the error.
> I have little familiarity with these knobs, but was under the impression
> the Makefile would not differ like this.  Is there documentation describing
> the use of these knobs between the varying branches and how they are
> changed from CURRENT to STABLE/RELEASE?

These changes are result of src.opts.mk changes (only available in
head/) that allows specifying MK_FOO=no instead of WITHOUT_FOO=yes on
the command line.

The changes were applied to the release/Makefile because it allows more
granular tuning for different stages of the release build.  For example,
one might want to build userland/kernel with WITH_DEBUG_FILES=yes, but
does not want that to apply to the resulting ISOs, so a "global"
WITH_DEBUG_FILES=yes and target-specific MK_DEBUG_FILES=no do not


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