> On 2014-09-29 14:22, Chris H wrote:
>>> On 09/29/2014 10:31, Chris H wrote:
>>>>> On Sat, Sep 27, 2014 at 7:22 PM, Chris H <bsd-li...@bsdforge.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Where can I get that information? Where was it sent? Why am I
>>>>>> not allowed to view it?
>>>>> Sounds to me like the kernel ring buffer is now too small for all the 
>>>>> early
>>>>> boot messages?
>>>> OK more investigation indicates that bumping
>>>> kern.msgbufsize
>>>> will return the missing bits. Maybe this is what you were trying to tell 
>>>> me. ;)
>>>> Anyway. Anyone know why was this tunable reduced? I don't experience this 
>>>> on
>>>> RELENG_8, or 11-CURRENT.
>>>> FWIW I have loader.conf(5) set to boot verbose. But still didn't get the 
>>>> info
>>>> expected. :(
>>>> Thanks for the reply, Brandon.
>>>> --Chris
>>>>> --
>>>>> brandon s allbery kf8nh                               sine nomine 
>>>>> associates
>>>>> allber...@gmail.com                                  
>>>>> ballb...@sinenomine.net
>>>>> unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad        
>>>>> http://sinenomine.net
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>>> Try adding the sysctl to your loader.conf so it is set earlier
>> Thank you for the reply, Allan.
>> I bumped kern.msgbufsize quite a bit within loader.conf. That's how I
>> discovered that that tunable worked. But then needed to eek it down,
>> until I found the actual top of the output -- had to bounce the box
>> quite a few times. :P
>>> I don't think the size was reduced, you may just have a lot of messages.
>> ODD. Because running RELENG_8, or 11-CURRENT on the same hardware, and yes,
>> with BOOT_VERBOSE && VERBOSE_LOADING. I received the entire buffer.
>> Thanks again, Allan.
>> --Chris
>>> --
>>> Allan Jude
> Do you actually see a difference in the size of kern.msgbufsize between
> RELENG_8 and the RELENG_9 box that is exhibiting issues?
Good question! I was afraid you'd ask me that.
I was so anxious to get past this, and get all the tasks queued for this
box. I entered the sysctl, and just as I hit the enter key. It hit me;
I need to record the results of the value it _currently_ has -- D'OH!

I'm going to be performing the same task on a nearly identical piece of
hardware later this week. I'll record the value(s)
(for RELENG_8, RELENG_9 && 11), and report back.

Thanks, and sorry for having done "the right thing(tm)". :P


> --
> Allan Jude
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