On 09/11/14 15:23, Nick Hibma wrote:
Folks, Hans-Petter,

Is anyone aware of an effort to create support for QMI based 4G modems? The 
following parts need to be implemented I think:

        - CDC-WDM support
        - Wrapper driver to access QMI devices as WDM?
        - libqmi port to FreeBSD

This would support any modem from Telit, Sierra Wireless, Option, etc. that 
works with the Qualcomm chipsets. If you look in the cdc-wdm qmi driver in 
Linux, it is a long list.

I could not find any mention of FreeBSD and QMI on the same page, so I assume 
no one is working on it.


I'm not aware of any projects in that area.


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