On Mar 21, 2014, at 8:18 AM, Dag-Erling Smørgrav <d...@des.no> wrote:

> Warren Block <wbl...@wonkity.com> writes:
>> Dag-Erling Smørgrav <d...@des.no> writes:
>>> We always use [The .Nm foo utility or The .Fn foo function] instead
>>> of just .Nm or .Fn at the start of a sentence, but never (or rarely)
>>> within a sentence.
>> By "we", do you mean the FreeBSD project or your local organization?
>> Is there a specific reason the redundant wording, or is it just
>> customary?
> I mean the FreeBSD project, and the reason is as John stated: all
> sentences must start with a capital letter.  I've gotten so used to this
> over the past 15 years that I even do it in email and other non-FreeBSD
> written material.

Yes, it is style that was settled upon 15 years ago or so in the FreeBSD
project. Even more than finding myself using this in email, etc, I find that
when I see people using other conventions it just looks wrong to my eyes.


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