On Feb 24, 2014 6:06 AM, "Jonathan Anderson" <jonat...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> This is great stuff, thanks!
> Can you say what the relationship with tinderbox is intended to be? Is
this supposed to subsume tinderbox, or will they have different niches? Is
Jenkins going to start e-mailing likely culprits (with e.g.
https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Email-ext+plugin)? Also, can we
see more architectures built by Jenkins?
> Thanks,
> Jon

Although Jenkins has a lot of tinderbox-like functionality, the effort to
set up Jenkins in the FreeBSD cluster is independent of the current FreeBSD
Tinderbox system.  The FreeBSD Tinderbox is maintained by a separate set of
volunteers, and we wish to peacefully coexist with all FreeBSD volunteer

However, if you have any ideas for expanded use of Jenkins in the FreeBSD
cluster, such as email notifications, take a look at the contact
information on our web page and let us know:


We are open to feedback, and are just getting started!

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