06.02.2014 06:00, Yonghyeon PYUN пишет:
> On Sat, Feb 01, 2014 at 12:18:59PM +0400, Boris Samorodov wrote:
>> Hi Yonghyeon and All,
>> (this time it's a CURRENT issue)
>> 31.10.2013 17:33, Boris Samorodov пишет:
>>> 30.10.2013 06:16, Yonghyeon PYUN пишет:
>>>> On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 05:38:27PM +0400, Boris Samorodov wrote:
>>>>> >From time to time I use a notebook and boot FreeBSD from USB
>>>>> stick. FreeBSD 9.2-i386 works OK. So I tried to use
>>>>> FreeBSD 10.0-i386 BETA2 and the network adapter works for
>>>>> some 10-15 seconds and then stops with diagnostic message
>>>>> "msk0:watchdog timeout". I've found similar case at
>>>>> freebsd-current@ with no workaround. Yes, there is an
>>>>> interrupt storm as well.
>>>> There had been no functional changes for very long time so I'm not
>>>> sure what's going on here.  I've attached local change I have at
>>>> this moment but I'm afraid it wouldn't address the issue above.
>>>> I recall jhb also reported interrupt storm in the past but the root
>>>> cause was not identified yet.  Could you change msk_intr() and let
>>>> me know which interrupt is firing?
>>> I've yet to organize a build.
>>>>> Here is some additional info:
>>>>> -----
>>>>> mskc0@pci0:3:0:0:       class=0x020000 card=0xff501179 chip=0x435511ab
>>>>> rev=0x12 hdr=0x00
>>>>>     vendor     = 'Marvell Technology Group Ltd.'
>>>>>     device     = '88E8040T PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller'
>>>>>     class      = network
>>>>>     subclass   = ethernet
>>>>>     cap 01[48] = powerspec 3  supports D0 D1 D2 D3  current D0
>>>>>     cap 05[5c] = MSI supports 1 message, 64 bit enabled with 1 message
>>>>>     cap 10[c0] = PCI-Express 2 legacy endpoint max data 128(128) link 
>>>>> x1(x1)
>>>>>                  speed 2.5(2.5) ASPM disabled(L0s/L1)
>>>>>     ecap 0001[100] = AER 1 0 fatal 0 non-fatal 1 corrected
>>>>>     ecap 0003[130] = Serial 1 b8b063ffff681e00
>>>>> -----
>>> Meanwhile some more investigations, "vmstat -i" for calm and storm:
>>> -----
>>> interrupt                          total       rate
>>> irq1: atkbd0                        1025          2
>>> irq9: acpi0                          204          0
>>> irq14: ata0                          327          0
>>> irq16: uhci0+                        246          0
>>> irq20: hpet0                       22472         52
>>> irq23: uhci2 ehci1                 10341         24
>>> irq256: hdac0                         52          0
>>> irq257: mskc0                        258          0
>>> irq258: ahci0                        221          0
>>> Total                              35146         81
>>> -----
>>> interrupt                          total       rate
>>> irq1: atkbd0                        1508          2
>>> irq9: acpi0                          234          0
>>> irq14: ata0                          409          0
>>> irq16: uhci0+                        246          0
>>> irq20: hpet0                       72288        131
>>> irq23: uhci2 ehci1                 10846         19
>>> irq256: hdac0                         52          0
>>> irq257: mskc0                    4419760       8021
>>> irq258: ahci0                        221          0
>>> Total                            4505564       8177
>>> -----
>>> And "vmstat -w1" for calm and storm:
>>> -----
>>>  procs      memory      page                    disks     faults         cpu
>>>  r b w     avm    fre   flt  re  pi  po    fr  sr mm0 ad0   in   sy   cs
>>> us sy id
>>>  0 0 0  206928  956040   277   0   2   0   330   4   0   0  117  476
>>> 454  0  1 99
>>>  0 0 0  206928  956036     0   0   0   0     8   4   0   0   50  123
>>> 137  0  0 100
>>>  0 0 0  206928  956036     0   0   0   0     0   4   0   0   47  120
>>> 92  0  1 99
>>>  0 0 0  206928  956036     0   0   0   0     0   4   0   0   43  123
>>> 119  0  1 99
>>>  0 0 0  206928  956036     0   0   0   0     0   4   0   0   55  132
>>> 123  0  1 99
>>>  0 0 0  206928  956004     0   0   0   0     0   4   0   0   68  123
>>> 185  0  1 99
>>>  0 0 0  206928  956036     0   0   0   0     8   4   0   0   86  123
>>> 266  0  1 99
>>>  0 0 0  206928  956036     0   0   0   0     0   4   0   0   44  125
>>> 124  0  0 100
>>>  0 0 0  206928  956036     0   0   0   0     0   4   0   0   64  128
>>> 164  0  1 99
>>>  0 0 0  206928  956036     0   0   0   0     0   4   0   0   42  131
>>> 101  0  1 99
>>> -----
>>>  procs      memory      page                    disks     faults         cpu
>>>  r b w     avm    fre   flt  re  pi  po    fr  sr mm0 ad0   in   sy   cs
>>> us sy id
>>>  0 0 0  213648  954676   104   0   1   0   121   4   0   0 22299  204
>>> 44262  0 10 90
>>>  0 0 0  213648  954672     0   0   0   0     8   4   0   0 112259  123
>>> 222379  0 44 56
>>>  0 0 0  213648  954672     0   0   0   0     0   4   0   0 111792  123
>>> 221489  0 43 57
>>>  0 0 0  213648  954672     1   0   0   0     0   4   0   0 109887  183
>>> 217754  0 43 57
>>>  0 0 0  213648  954668     2   0   0   0     0   4   0   0 109543  146
>>> 216963  0 44 56
>>>  0 0 0  213648  954668     0   0   0   0     0   4   0   0 110142  123
>>> 218187  0 45 55
>>>  0 0 0  213648  954660   472   0   0   0   474   4   0   0 109340  717
>>> 216674  0 42 57
>>>  0 0 0  213648  954656     2   0   0   0     0   4   0   0 109459  147
>>> 216831  0 43 57
>>>  0 0 0  213648  954656     0   0   0   0     0   4   0   0 109462  131
>>> 216827  0 43 57
>>>  0 0 0  213648  954656     0   0   0   0     0   4   0   0 109454  123
>>> 216803  0 42 58
>>> -----
>>> Dmesg is here: ftp://ftp.wart.ru/pub/misc/tos.dmesg.boot.txt .
>>> BTW, some more observations. While downloading a file the system
>>> goto watchdog timeout rather quickly, but the system works. If I
>>> try to upload files the system works much longer (for a couple of
>>> minutes) but then freeses. No ctrl-alt-esc. Only cold restart works.
>> I've successfully upgraded to 10.0-RELEASE. Then I tried CURRENT
>> (verbose dmesg is here: ftp://ftp.wart.ru/pub/misc/dmesg.boot.a300.txt )
>> and I've got watchdog timeouts. The situation is very much alike
>> (see previous diagnostics). Just uploads happens very quickly and
>> the machine is not freezed and operates well.
>> This time I have sources and can test patches (if any) rather
>> quickly.
> There is no driver code difference between CURRENT and
> 10.0-RELEASE.  If you don't encounter watchdog timeouts on
> 10.0-RELEASE I have no idea what's going on there.
> I recall a couple of users are seeing msk(4) watchdog timeouts on
> 10.0-RELEASE/CURRENT so I started to think about r234666 which was
> not merged to stable/9 and stable/8.
> Could you back out r234666 and let me know whether it makes any
> difference for you?

Thank you!

That was it. The system survived svn up of /usr/src, rebuild/reinstall
and almost 25000 patches were downloaded by portsnap.

WBR, Boris Samorodov (bsam)
FreeBSD Committer, http://www.FreeBSD.org The Power To Serve
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