On Nov 6, 2013, at 7:49 PM, Kimmo Paasiala <kpaas...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What's wrong with using the existing tools for achieving the same
> effect? Periodic can be adapted to do exactly what you're describing
> as noted above by adding an hourly (even minutely? :D ) periodic run.

Periodic is geared towards periodic system maintenance tasks.  Once per day, 
once per week, once per month.  It doesn't deal with tasks that need to be 
fired off at arbitrary intervals.

As you say, it could be adapted to run things with per-minute granularity, but 
it wouldn't scale well.  For per-minute granularity you would have to fire off 
a periodic run every minute.  That's five times the rate that atrun(8) kicks 
off at.  That's a lot of overhead for small, embedded, or power constrained 
systems.  And to get the time-granularity cron has, you would have to 
re-implement cron(8)s dispatch control as a set of shell functions.  That's 
just silly.


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