В сообщении от Tuesday 05 of November 2013 11:06:09 Gleb написал:
> On Tue, Nov 05, 2013 at 09:02:22AM +0200, Konstantin Belousov wrote:
> K> First, all reported instances have ata attachment for the ada0,
> except K> of milu (possibly). So this means that kernel does transient
> remapping, K> and very different code path is executed comparing with
> what I thought K> initially. The path is simpler than the pure
> unmapped i/o.
> K>
> K> Second, I use QEMU with the ata0 attachment for the disks regularly,
> and K> I do not have an issue.  I also did not see a report from the
> real h/w. K>
> K> Third point is that all reports are i386.  Is there anybody with
> amd64, K> vbox, ata and the same corruption hiddent by disabling
> unmapped i/o ? K>
> K> In what way the non-working images were installed ?  Is it possible
> to K> produce the problematic installs by doing it one way, and
> non-problematic K> by another ?
> The only known way to get FreeBSD working is to turn off unmapped io
> in loader. Any tweaking of "hardware" in VB or changes in the install
> process do not affect.

Disabling VT-x in VB helps too.

С наилучшими пожеланиями, 

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