On Fri, Apr 14, 2000 at 02:30:03PM -0800, Southwell wrote:
> Ok Guys
> Help needed  -- I would be grateful for any information which would be
> useful for a project to provide IEEE 1394 (firewire support) on FreeBSD 4.0.
> In particular to start with
> the Texas Instruments OHCI compliant controller. If it cannot be done with
> that chip then  I will look at other controllers.
> At this stage I do not have enough information to know whether the project
> is viable.
> Someone (Mike) mentioned on the -stable list that there could be some patent
> issues involved - any further information on those dangers would be
> appreciated.

Five minutes with google turned up http://www.1394la.com/.  It should
tell you what you want to know, but I think you probably need a lawyer
to say anything concrete.  My read is that unless they change their
license IEEE 1394 is DOA outside of commercial software.  The only
workable solution looks like value added commercial software a la OSS
or LinDVD.

-- Brooks

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