... I still think the SRV record stuff is a bad idea.

Well, I think it's a great idea - because I plan on supporting it in
the next HTTP thing I write - but not having an A record is going to
continue to bite things.

Also, http+pkg:// isn't a defined protocol either and some strict
proxies may actually reject it. You should go back to the http://


(with his HTTP hat on..)

On 31 October 2013 14:04, Allan Jude <free...@allanjude.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 2013-10-31 16:47, Eric Camachat wrote:
>> It doesn't work with our (microsoft) proxy server, see below.
>> root@basay:/usr/local/etc/pkg/repos # pkg update -f
>> Updating repository catalogue
>> pkg: http://pkg.FreeBSD.org/freebsd:10:x86:64/latest/digests.txz: Service
>> Unavailable
>> pkg: No digest falling back on legacy catalog format
>> pkg: http://pkg.FreeBSD.org/freebsd:10:x86:64/latest/repo.txz: Service
>> Unavailable
>> root@basay:/usr/local/etc/pkg/repos #
>> Eric
>> On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 7:10 PM, Bryan Drewery <bdrew...@freebsd.org>
> wrote:
>>> We are pleased to announce that official binary packages are now
>>> available for pkg, the next generation package management tool for
> FreeBSD.
>>> Pkg allows you to either use ports with portmaster/portupgrade or to
>>> have binary remote packages without ports.
>>> We have binary packages available for i386 and amd64 on
>>> 8.3,8.4,9.1,9.2,10.0 and 11 (head).
>>> Pkg will be the default starting in FreeBSD 10.
>>> The pkg_install suite of tools pkg_create(1), pkg_add(1), and
>>> pkg_info(1) (which ports also use), are deprecated and will be
>>> discontinued in roughly 6 months. A communication regarding the
>>> deprecation of the pkg_install suite of tools will be sent separately in
>>> the future.
>>> If you are currently not using pkg and wish to, run the following as
>>> root. Be sure not to add WITH_PKGNG=yes to your make.conf until after
>>> pkg is installed.
>>>   # cd /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg && make install clean
>>>   # echo WITH_PKGNG=yes >> /etc/make.conf
>>>   # pkg2ng
>>> You can now either continue to use ports with portmaster/portupgrade, as
>>> before or switch to using binary packages only.
>>> To use binary packages:
>>> 1. Ensure your pkg(8) is up-to-date. 'pkg -v' should say at least
>>>    1.1.4_8. If it does not, first upgrade from ports.
>>> 2. Remove any repository-specific configuration from
>>>    /usr/local/etc/pkg.conf, such as PACKAGESITE, MIRROR_TYPE, PUBKEY.
>>>    If this leaves your pkg.conf empty, just remove it.
>>> 3. mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos
>>> 4. Create the file /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/FreeBSD.conf with:
>>> FreeBSD: {
>>>   url: "http://pkg.FreeBSD.org/${ABI}/latest";,
>>>   mirror_type: "srv",
>>>   enabled: "yes"
>>> }
>>> * Note that pkg.FreeBSD.org does not have a browsable web page on it and
>>> does not have a DNS A record. This is intended as it is an SRV host.
>>> pkg(8) knows how to properly use it. You can use 'pkg search' to browse
>>> the available packages in the repository.
>>> Mirrors you may use instead of the global pkg.FreeBSD.org:
>>>     pkg.eu.FreeBSD.org
>>>     pkg.us-east.FreeBSD.org
>>>     pkg.us-west.FreeBSD.org
>>> Your system is now ready to use packages!
>>> Refer to the handbook section on pkgng for usage at
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/pkgng-intro.html
>>> .
>>> Also see 'man pkg' for examples or 'pkg help'.
>>> Packages are built weekly from a snapshot of the Ports Collection every
>>> Wednesday morning 01:00 UTC. They typically will be available in the
>>> repository after a few days.
>>> Pkg 1.2 will be released in the coming month which will bring many
>>> improvements including officially signed packages. FreeBSD 10's pkg
>>> bootstrap now also supports signed pkg(8) installation.
>>> Regards,
>>> Bryan Drewery
>>> on behalf of portmgr@
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> I am guessing the proxy passes the full HTTP request, without doing the
> SRV lookup, and then can't find the A record.
> I wonder if the http+pkg:// protocol can solve this, likely will require
> a patch to fetch to implement the logic to do the dns lookup and make
> the proxies request for the real hostname
> - --
> Allan Jude
> Version: GnuPG v2.0.16 (MingW32)
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> oVorgOaFYYEo5Wg13J2UNj0vkOcFjl9hIdjKh3NmzTP9VOEbJPX4/WSFJOLdxsO+
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> ifNptmUXeoQiDHNUfrqlaT31yejY0nhlY2nGqmlnPNjLCMLo99RY5H9nPWUu/J4d
> 5Z0zuhT+WDjFR8t+WhXWGdIBlPvuk1Uqk+yGXKN5qIdp/J3Cs9U5Lgo4biXZP7nR
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> Ce3QQJRlg6rUVQuSWtf/
> =cv2E
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