On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 9:04 PM, Teske, Devin <devin.te...@fisglobal.com>wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'd like to bring up the discussion for topic..
> Importing libdispatch (aka Apple's Grand Central Dispatch) into base
> (contrib?).
> Specifically into HEAD then MFC'd only as far back as stable/10.
> Here's the reason why:
> http://devinteske.com/freebsd-installer-enhancements
> Summary:
> For the purpose of providing a concurrency model better than pthreads for
> the
> expressed desire to bring about concurrent data processing (applicable
> directly
> to distributions, packages, signing and more).
> Multiple people have confirmed with me with respect to the above blog
> article
> that the concurrency model would be most efficient with libdispatch.
> Since the tool mentioned in the blog is
> a. Compiling with clang
> b. Requires newest dialog(3) that is only in stable/10 or higher
> I'd say that it looks like a match made in heaven.
> But of course, there's that one hang-up... dispatch is not available in
> base yet.
> Is anyone working on getting dispatch into base?

FWIW, I say +1 to your proposition and +1 to your contribs. However I say
prove it works.

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